
Updated 12 – 28 – 2023 Photos

Library Numbers

I took a look at the five states that I normally travel and checked out the number of libraries there are in each state.

Iowa has approximately 535 public libraries. I say approximately because I have come across a couple that I question whether they are actually open. Iowa has 101 Carnegie libraries. Not all are still in use as libraries. Some have been repurposed as museums, art centers or genealogy centers. Iowa ranks fourth among the fifty states in the number of libraries.

Kansas has approximately 318 public libraries. Again I have found a couple that I don’t think open their doors. Kansas has fifty-nine Carnegie libraries. The Canton Library was the last Carnegie Library built in the United States. Kansas ranks ninth in the number of libraries.

Missouri on paper has only 149 public libraries. This is because many individual libraries are under the umbrella of a larger library system. There are actually around 400 individual library buildings in Missouri. Missouri is home to thirty-three Carnegie libraries. Because of the way Missouri public library systems are assembled, the state ranks twenty-first in number of libraries.

Nebraska has approximately 236 public libraries. Sixty-nine are Carnegie libraries. Nebraska ranks thirteenth among the fifty states in the number of public libraries.

Oklahoma has approximately 119 public libraries. This low number may be contributed to Oklahoma being made-up by Native American Indian reservations. The reservations have libraries that are not in the public library count. Oklahoma is home to twenty-four Carnegie libraries of which seventeen are still standing. Oklahoma holds the twenty-fifth ranking in the number of public libraries among the fifty states.

There are approximately 123,627 libraries of all kinds in the United States. Approximately 671 of them being bookmobiles.

I don’t see myself making it to all the libraries in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and Oklahoma. There are places that I am not that enthused to return. Not sure time is on my side.



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